We care about their needs in body and in spirit. We treat refugees with love and dignity, offering hope and friendship as we give practical assistance.
Give from: Greece | Netherlands | United States | Canada | United Kingdom
One particular and often unmet need is proper medical care. In an already overburdened public health system, refugees are often overlooked. The stress of living in survival mode only exacerbates their health problems. We have established relationships with a number of local physicians who volunteer their time and expertise to help the refugees. We are also building relationships with several doctors and medical associations in other European countries who offer to come join us for short periods.
We organize appointments, provide translation for refugees needing to see a doctor, arrange diagnostic testing or treatment when necessary, and supply prescribed medications.
Refugees in Athens also struggle to find shelter. Especially when they first arrive and are learning to navigate the process of applying for asylum and aid, many need a safe place to stay. We have a small number of apartments where refugees can stay for a limited amount of time until they are able to apply for asylum and begin to receive cash assistance from the UNHCR. As needs arise, we also periodically help individuals needing temporary assistance with rent, bills or other expenses.
As we are able, we also help with other needs, such as food, baby supplies, and legal matters. For example, in winter 2019 we temporarily provided two meals each week to a number of refugees living in tents without cooking facilities, at a refugee camp North of Athens. We give grocery packs to refugee friends who can not afford food, and cover legal fees for some who need assistance with their asylum cases. We also distribute donated clothing, household items and items for small children.
If you would like to financially support the work of One Heart in Athens, there are many ways to give...
Select a country below to see the details
'One Heart'
IBAN: GR66 0171 6040 0066 0415 1030 101
Swift Code: PIRBGRAA
Piraeus Bank
You may give to our general fund, or state a particular project (i.e. Medical or Shelter)
'Stichting Right Hand'
Bank account for donations:IBAN: NL94 ABNA 04 575 13 918
Please make sure to designate the funds for 'One Heart, Athens.'
You may give to our general fund, or state a particular project (i.e. Medical or Shelter)
Compel Global
Or you can use:
International Association for Refugees (IAFR)
In the United States, and for a tax deductible receipt, use the link below to give online
Or mail your check to:
P.O. Box 1405
Wheaton, IL 60187
Please enclose a note designating your gift for "Athens -One Heart".
International Association for Refugees (IAFR)
In Canada, use the link below to make a donation through IAFR.
Please make sure to designate funds for '16 - One Heart, Athens'.
Reach Beyond
Bank account for donations:
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account No.: 65573802
IBAN: GB30CPBK08929965573802
Please use the reference: OneHeart
Tel (30) 697.20.77.676